Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Tugas softskill kepariwisataan 2

Name : Ricky Bagus P (19614258) 
Class  : 3SA04 
Kepariwisataan 2 

  1. What are the differences between passport and visa ? 
Passport is a legal document that use to as international ID when someone wants to leave the country to other country, it give it by the country 
Visa is a legal document that from other country you have the permission to visit or stay that country 

  1. What are the procuders to make passport and visa ? 
Passport :  
  • birth certificate (Akta Kelahiran) 
  • family certificate (kartu keluarga) 
  • identification card (KTP) 
  • marriage certificate (kartu tanda nikah), if already 
  • your last graduated degree certificate (Ijazah) 
  • letter of support from your company/university/department 
  • registration form (formulir pendaftaran) 
Then go to immigration office as morning as possible 
Don't forget to bring some money, the cost to make a standard passport is Rp. 255.000 
After you give all of your documents the wait until your interview 
After 5-7 days go back to the immigration office to get your passport, horaayyy you now can visit anywhere in the world (except north korea, obviously) 

Visa : 
  • Passport 
  • Your country Visa application form 
  • Photo  
  • Official invitation 
  • Letter of invitation 
  • Business cover letter 
  • Proof of state residency 
  • Proof of travel arrangements 
  • Medical requirements 
  • Proof of sufficient funds 

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